Last week, via one of the Happening London Communities, I'd heard that Nambucca on the Holloway Road would be Thursday night's "happening London" venue of choice.
I didn't previously know any of the lineup, nor had I been to the location before, but after a couple of warm up drinks in the Buckley Building bar I headed off to checkout the night and grab few snaps from each set for +Happening London.
The Menaces were the early birds kicking off the night.
MENACES: Bandcamp - Members: Rob, Ciaran, David, Dom
I liked Hot Sauce Pony. Interesting name, not sure where that's from. I'll ask next time.
HOT SAUCE PONY: Bandcamp, Twitter
They were heavier.
THEY UNCULTURED: Website, Twitter
To be perfectly honest I was rather too well-oiled at this point in the evening to pay that much attention. I spent most of the Tantale's set outside with +David Barnett and the rather lovely Virginia, pictured here on the left.
TANTALE: Bandcamp, Twitter
Much music was heard, some dancing occurred, much alcohol was consumed, much fun was had!
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